Up to What Age is Hair Transplant Done?

Up to What Age is Hair Transplant Done?

First of all, let me explain to you what hair transplantation is. Hair transplantation is the placement of hair follicles taken from parts of the body, such as the genital area, chest, legs and arms in some cases, to the area where shedding has occurred. Although the implanted hair starts to grow, it falls out again with shock shedding in the same week, however the shock shed hair grows back after a certain period of time.

So why does hair fall out? The reasons for hair loss can depend on the genes we inherit from our maternal relatives, especially the maternal uncle. In addition to these genetic codes, stress, dandruff, suffocating the hair, mistakes made while washing hair, and products with incorrect ingredients or expired hair products can also cause hair loss.

A person does not need to be completely bald to have a hair transplant. The procedure, which is performed on the hairless area, can also be performed on areas with thinning hair.

Although the success rate is not 100%, depending on the place where the procedure is performed, 90-95% success is achieved in general procedures.

How is Hair Transplantation done?

First of all, hair follicles are collected from the donor area (neck, genital area, arms and legs, chest) by making a surgical incision or with the help of a micro-tipped apparatus. Depending on the type of procedure, the extracted hair follicles are either planted at the same time or after the rooting process is completely finished, starting from the part of the head that is close to the forehead line. The procedure is painless since local (regional) anesthesia is applied. Depending on the size of the area to be transplanted, the procedure takes about 6 or 9 hours on average. The process is completed in a single session. Approximately 10,000 hairs can be transplanted in a single session. If a second session is required, it can be done 6 months after the first session, depending on the recovery period of the area where the roots are taken. A third session after the healing is completed can be carried out according to the patient’s request. Although 25% of the transplanted hair follicles are shed, 75% of them will hold on to their roots robustly and will start to grow.

Does Hair Transplantation Harm Existing Hair?

Since an operation is performed on the scalp, some thinning will be observed in the natural hair found on the skin. However, this thinning will remedy itself in a few months after the procedure, and the hair will regain its old appearance.

Things to Consider Before Hair Transplant

The most important issue to be considered is that the hospital or clinic to be transplanted is a good, reliable, well-equipped, well-trained, clean place that has the certificates required to do this job. If anticoagulants are used before the procedure, they should be discontinued in consultation with the doctors. The candidate for hair transplantation must have breakfast on the day of the procedure. The patient should choose easy-to-remove clothing such as a wide-necked t-shirt or shirt on the day of the procedure.

Things to Consider after Hair Transplant

Bath must be avoided for three days after the procedure. At the same time, activities that will make the person sweat should be avoided, and the head area should not come into direct contact with the sun, pool and sea. Since such circumstances will make the area wet or sweat, it will pave the way for bacteria and infections that propagate in wet places, prolonging the recovery period and jeopardizing the desired result. The patient should also avoid sexual activities to ensure that he is not exposed to adverse movements hitting the head during the activity until recovery is completed. At the end of the third day, the patient can go to the place where the procedure was performed for the first hair washing on the fourth day, or the patient can was his hair at home with gentle movements, with the shampoos recommended by the doctor. The medications and lotions prescribed and recommended by the doctor should be used regularly to ensure a robust healing process. If a surgical incision is made during the procedure, the dressing should be changed regularly. A doctor should be consulted directly if any inflammation occurs. Regular wiping of the scabs that will form at the end of a certain period of time is very important to ensure that the skin is in contact with oxygen It is sufficient to clean it with a damp cloth with soft movements . before bathing.

The pillow should not touch the transplanted area for the first fifteen days during sleep, and you should lie on your back.

Scalp massage should be started at least 15 days after the procedure. Scalp massage is very important for blood circulation and stimulating the transplanted cells. Massage should be done with gentle stroking and squeezing movements with the fingertips without pressing too hard.

It is necessary to consume foods rich in zinc to ensure that the transplanted roots are healthy and take root quickly. Zinc is used in tissue repair in our body. Turkey meat, spinach, pumpkin seeds, garlic are examples of food rich in zinc.

After the hair transplant operation, you should get sick leave for at least 10 days from your doctor or have the procedure coincide with your vacation time.

What is Shock Shedding After Hair Transplantation?

The shock shedding event that occurs 1-3 months after the procedure should not cause the patient any concerns. It is a routine event observed after all hair transplantation procedures. Shedding will be experienced from time to time to be replaced by new hair. New hair will start to grow at a rate of 60-70% from the sixth month after the shock shedding, letting you know that you are  approaching the look you want.

What is the Cost of Hair Transplantation?

The cost, which may vary depending on the location of the clinic or hospital, equipment, working doctors and the size of the area to be planted, varies between 3,500 and 4,500  on average.

How Long Does the Hair Transplant Last?

The transplant will be fully healed one year after the procedure is completed. However, the possibility of failure also exists in this procedure, as in every medical procedure. As a result of observations, doctors and experts have reported that transplanted hair does not shed again. This, of course depends on following the doctor’s instructions during the healing process and regular and necessary care that should be done to ensure that the results last for a long time.


Hair transplantation is a recommended procedure for those between the ages of 18 and 65. However, there is no age limit for these procedures. The age of 18 or adulthood is considered the lower limit for the procedure. Anyone who does not have advanced health problems can have a hair transplant. The determining factor in hair transplantation is not age, but the rate of hair loss and the degree of baldness. 

In broad terms, hair transplantation is not recommended for people under the age of 30. It is also not recommended for people who are experiencing active hair loss.

There is no situation that prevents hair transplantation, however hair transplantation is not performed on people who are congenitally bald. This is because there is no root to be used for transplantation.

Is Hair Transplantation Covered by Insurance?

Hair transplant operations are not covered by any insurance since it is an aesthetical procedure.

At what age can hair transplantation be performed?

Hair transplantation can be performed on individuals who have reached adulthood and have a stable pattern of hair loss. There is no specific age limit for hair transplantation, as suitability for the procedure depends on factors such as the individual’s overall health, extent of hair loss, and realistic expectations. It is important for individuals considering hair transplantation to consult with a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon who can assess their specific situation and determine if they are suitable candidates for the procedure.

Is there a maximum age limit for hair transplantation?

When it comes to hair transplantation, the focus is on the condition of the scalp and the availability of sufficient donor hair rather than a specific age limit. While younger individuals tend to have better overall hair quality and a larger donor supply, older individuals may experience hair loss due to various factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, or medical conditions.

As individuals age, the condition of their scalp and hair follicles may change. The presence of underlying health conditions or medications taken for other purposes can also affect hair growth and the success of the transplant. Additionally, older individuals may have different expectations and goals for the outcome of the procedure compared to younger individuals.

The decision to perform a hair transplant in older individuals is typically made on an individual basis, taking into account the overall health of the patient, the condition of the scalp, the availability of donor hair, and the realistic expectations of the patient. A thorough evaluation by a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon is essential to determine the suitability for the procedure.

It’s important to note that while age alone is not a determining factor, the success of the hair transplant may depend on the quality of the donor hair, the condition of the scalp, and the patient’s overall health. A comprehensive consultation with a hair transplant surgeon will involve a detailed examination and discussion of the patient’s goals and expectations to determine the best course of action.

Ultimately, the decision to undergo a hair transplant at any age should be made in consultation with a qualified professional who can assess the individual’s unique situation and provide personalized recommendations.

Can hair transplantation be performed on young adults in their early twenties?

hair transplantation can be performed on young adults in their early twenties if they meet certain criteria. While age is not the sole determining factor, there are a few considerations that need to be taken into account:

Stability of hair loss: Hair transplantation is typically recommended for individuals who have stable hair loss. This means that the pattern of hair loss has stabilized, and further significant hair loss is not expected in the near future. For young adults in their early twenties, it’s important to assess whether their hair loss pattern has stabilized or if they are still experiencing active hair loss.

Psychological readiness: Hair loss can have a significant impact on a person’s self-esteem and psychological well-being. Young adults experiencing hair loss at an early age may be more affected by it. It’s essential to ensure that the individual has realistic expectations and is mentally prepared for the procedure, as it is a lifelong commitment.

Donor hair availability: The success of a hair transplant relies on the availability of an adequate donor supply. Young adults in their early twenties typically have a better donor hair supply compared to older individuals. The donor hair is usually taken from the back and sides of the scalp, which are more resistant to hair loss.

Consultation with a hair transplant specialist: It is crucial for young adults considering a hair transplant to have a thorough consultation with a qualified and experienced hair transplant specialist. The specialist will evaluate the individual’s hair loss pattern, overall health, donor hair availability, and discuss the potential risks and benefits of the procedure.

It’s important to note that hair transplantation is a lifelong commitment, and future hair loss may require additional procedures or maintenance treatments. Therefore, careful consideration and proper evaluation by a qualified professional are essential to determine the suitability and timing of the procedure for young adults in their early twenties.

Are there any risks or side effects of undergoing hair transplantation at a young age?Undergoing hair transplantation at a young age, like any surgical procedure, carries certain risks and potential side effects. It’s important to be aware of these before making a decision. Here are some risks and side effects associated with hair transplantation:

Infection: Like any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection at the surgical site. However, with proper pre-operative and post-operative care, this risk can be minimized.

Bleeding: Some bleeding is normal during and after the hair transplant procedure. However, excessive bleeding can occur in rare cases, which may require medical attention.

Scarring: Hair transplantation involves the removal of donor hair from one area of the scalp and its transplantation to the recipient area. This can result in small scars at the donor site. In most cases, these scars are small and easily concealed by surrounding hair. However, in rare cases, hypertrophic scars or keloids can develop.

Poor growth or graft failure: Not all transplanted hair follicles may successfully grow in the recipient area. Some follicles may not survive or may have poor growth. This can result in an uneven or unsatisfactory outcome. Proper surgical technique and post-operative care can help minimize the risk of poor growth or graft failure.

Temporary shock loss: After the hair transplant procedure, it is common for some of the existing hair in the recipient area to shed temporarily. This is known as shock loss and typically resolves on its own within a few months as new hair starts to grow.

Unrealistic expectations: It is important to have realistic expectations about the results of a hair transplant, especially at a young age. While the procedure can provide significant improvement in hair density, it may not restore a full head of hair or halt the progression of natural hair loss in the future.

Additional procedures: Hair transplantation is not a one-time solution for hair loss. Depending on the extent of hair loss and the individual’s goals, additional procedures or maintenance treatments may be required in the future to maintain the desired results.

What factors should I consider when deciding the right time for a hair transplant?

When considering the right time for a hair transplant, several factors should be taken into account. Here are some important factors to consider:

Degree of hair loss: The extent of your hair loss plays a significant role in determining the right time for a hair transplant. It is generally recommended to wait until your hair loss stabilizes before undergoing a transplant. This allows for a more accurate assessment of the pattern and severity of hair loss, ensuring that the transplant addresses your long-term needs.

Age: Age is another crucial factor to consider. Hair loss can occur at different ages, and the progression and pattern of hair loss can vary among individuals. While there is no specific age limit for a hair transplant, it is generally advisable to wait until you have reached adulthood and your hair loss has stabilized.

Overall health: Your overall health is important in determining your candidacy for a hair transplant. It is essential to be in good overall health to undergo any surgical procedure. Certain medical conditions or medications may affect the suitability of a hair transplant. It is recommended to consult with a qualified hair restoration specialist who can evaluate your medical history and determine if you are a suitable candidate.

Expectations and goals: It is important to have realistic expectations and clear goals for the outcome of your hair transplant. Understand that a hair transplant can restore hair in areas of baldness or thinning, but it cannot prevent future hair loss. It is essential to have a thorough consultation with a qualified specialist who can assess your specific situation, discuss your expectations, and provide realistic insights into the potential results.

Emotional readiness: Undergoing a hair transplant is a personal decision that can have a significant impact on your appearance and self-confidence. It is important to be emotionally ready for the process, including the recovery period and potential temporary shedding of transplanted hair before regrowth. Take the time to consider your motivations, weigh the pros and cons, and ensure you have a positive mindset before proceeding.

Ultimately, the right time for a hair transplant is a personal decision that should be made in consultation with a qualified hair restoration specialist. They can assess your unique situation, evaluate the factors mentioned above, and guide you in making an informed decision that aligns with your goals and expectations.


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