How Long After The Transplant Can I Colour My Hair?

When men and women take time and care to plan an expert hair transplant in Turkey, they want to ensure they do everything in their power to protect the results. People have many questions after hair transplant surgery, ranging from exercise restrictions to sun exposure, to washing their new hair. Here we’ll answer a common question which is, how soon after my hair restoration can I color my hair?

Plenty of people in their 40s, 50s and 60s who undergo hair surgery also dye their hair to hide the greys. While maintaining the desired hair tone and coverage is important for many, so is protecting the delicate scalp and follicles as you heal.

How Does A Sapphire Clinic Hair Transplant Work?

During FUE hair transplantation, the surgeon will carefully excise and extract micro-sections of scalp and follicles to relocate them to the top or front of the scalp. The most common donor area for these extractions is at the back and sides of the head. These locations, especially in males, will tend to hold the resilient, DHT resistant hairs. That means when they are punched out and implanted elsewhere, they retain those properties and do not fall out.

The hair grafts are placed into thin slits made in the skin and will follow the natural angles and pattern of real hair growth. One interesting effect from moving hairs around the scalp is that they sometimes have a different texture or tone than the hair native to that spot. Your surgeon will blend and combine hair tones to create a seamless result as much as possible, but sometimes people grow variable colors across their scalp so this difference will carry over.

Can You Dye Transplanted Hair?

Once your new hair is established and growing, you can treat it however you usually would. That means cutting, brushing, washing, styling, and coloring. For safety reasons, you’ll need to take a break. For at least a few weeks before your procedure, and for roughly 2 weeks after, dying won’t be permitted. The chemicals in hair dye products can be relatively harsh and detrimental to inflamed, healing tissues. Until the small openings created at the donor and recipient sites are totally closed, the risk of infection, bleeding and scarring exists. Your Sapphire Hair Clinic surgeon will advise you to ensure you’re healed and hairs are well established before applying anything like a dye.

When Can You Visit The Barber?

New hairs begin to grow in at roughly 3 months, then continue to thicken and mature. These early strands are often wispy, patchy and not easy to style. By 8-9 months after your procedure, you’ll have enough hair density and body to work with. Hair cuts, product application and combing, will feel natural and satisfying again.

You only need to wait until healed- 1-2 weeks- before visiting the hairdresser, but count on one full year before you’ve got a new head of hair to work with.


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