Orthodontics Turkey

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Anesthesia Anesthesia
Recovery duration Recovery duration

Orthodontics Turkey, Istanbul

Orthodontics Turkey Istanbul It is our department that contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of the individual by bringing the aesthetics and function of the teeth and jaw to the ideal level. It is the area of expertise that provides the health of your teeth, as well as improvement and betterment of your smile.

An untreated orthodontic problem gets worse at any age. As time passes, tooth decay and gum diseases that occur as a result of not keeping the teeth clean enough as a result of their irregularity can cause tooth loss. In addition to these, bad braces can cause abnormal wear of the tooth surfaces, difficulties in chewing and speaking, and damage to the supporting bone and gum tissues.

Treatment provided by the orthodontics  turkey department can be listed as follows:
Orthodontic treatments performed with brackets (braces) (Aesthetic brackets, metal brackets and locked brackets)
Lingual orthodontics (it is a form of treatment where fixed brackets are glued to the tongue side, not to the lip side)
Invisalign- Clear Align (invisible transparent palate called invisible tooth appendage is a form of treatment that corrects crowding.)

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the correction of anomalies related to the position of the jaws and teeth using movable or fixed devices. A dentist specializing in these subjects is called an orthodontist.

Why Do We Need Orthodontic Treatment?

Crooked and badly positioned teeth are difficult to clean, no matter how much they are brushed. There is definitely food residue left between the teeth and therefore the risk of developing decays and gum diseases is generally high. There is a risk of bone loss and early loss of teeth in such gum problems.

In addition, closing disorders cause more pressure on the jaw muscles. This can cause temporomandibular joint problems and thus headache, pain in the back and shoulders.
In the developmental and congenital problems that occur in the jaws, facial aesthetics are greatly affected and may cause psychological problems in patients. Crowding teeth cause an aesthetically unwanted appearance. For this reason, covering the mouth while laughing is a common result.

In addition, individuals with this type of malocclusion cannot close their mouths completely and experience biting, chewing, and respiratory problems.

With orthodontic treatment, you can have both an aesthetic appearance and healthy teeth, gums and joints, and you can increase your life quality and protect your general health by being psychologically happier.

Treatment Options in Orthodontics

Mobile treatment apparatus
Fixed Treatment Apparatus

These treatment methods are applied to correct position disorders of the teeth by applying a fixed apparatus on the vestibule (lip) side or lingual (tongue) side of the teeth. Depending on the age of the patient and the type of malocclusion, treatment alternatives with or without permanent tooth extraction are applied individually.
Fixed apparatus are divided into two main groups as metal or transparent.

Metal Brackets; They are the oldest known orthodontic treatment apparatus. They are stainless steel materials. Since they are metal, they create a metal-colored gray image on the teeth. Although they have been the fastest treatment alternative for years, aesthetic brackets in current technology provide a more aesthetic treatment alternative with all the superior features of metal brackets. The advantage of metal brackets over transparent brackets is that their price is more economical. Metal brackets are very small and very comfortable to use today.

– Self-ligating Brackets; They are covered brackets and are held by the wire placed in the bracket through the covers on the bracket. Their advantage is that since the ligaturing process is with caps compared to other bracket types, they are frictionless systems and help orthodontic treatments to be carried out faster. In addition, the control periods of 1 to 1.5 months can be longer in treatments with these systems. Although they are generally metal, today some companies have aesthetic frictionless system brackets.

What are the treatment options for adult patients who do not want visible braces?

– Aesthetic Brackets; These brackets are made with aesthetic materials, they are tooth-colored and do not have a gray color when viewed from the outside and are not very obvious.

Lingual treatment

It is one of the fixed treatment methods. It is not preferred by every orthodontist. You should definitely ask if your doctor uses this treatment method. The biggest advantage for patients in this treatment is that the fixed appliances attached to the teeth used for the treatment are on the tongue side, not on the lip. Therefore, nothing is visible on the teeth.

In this highly aesthetic treatment method, the treatment period takes a little longer than the fixed treatments applied through the vestibule, and the biggest problem faced by the patients is speech disorder. Since the apparatus is on the tongue side, the phonation of some letters such as’ ‘t’ ” ‘s” ” d ‘will be very difficult because the sounds will hit this apparatus when the sound is made.

There may also be slight irritation on the tip of the tongue. It may take up to 6 months for patients to get used to them.
This method is a slightly costlier than others.

Invisalign or ClearAlign

It is a form of treatment in which the crowding of the teeth is corrected with invisible transparent palates called “invisible braces”. This method is a method that is usually preferred by adult patients who seek a solution to the crowding of their teeth without wearing braces.

In this method, the measurements of the patient are taken and transparent plates (correctors) that will allow the movement of the teeth in accordance with the dimensions are prepared with special three-dimensional computerized systems. These correctors, which will ensure that the teeth are lined up properly, are renewed periodically.

Patients can have regular teeth without using fixed braces. Since the apparatus is removable, patient cooperation and motivation affect the success of the treatment.
. Success in treatments with removable apparatus depends 50% on the doctor and 50% on the patient. Patient cooperation is needed in the attachment of the apparatus.


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